How We Help

How we can help you if you are a Nervous about seeing the Dentist

Worrying about the dentist can lead to some people avoiding appointments and only seeking treatment when they are in pain.

Unfortunately, this means they only ever associate their dentist with a negative experience, often missing subsequent appointments for fear of having to undergo further treatment.

If this sounds familiar, don’t despair.

At Ravenscourt Court Dental Practice we are experienced in treating nervous patients, giving them the confidence to take control of their dental care.

We believe the best way of overcoming dental fear is by visiting your dentist on a regular basis. This builds up a trusting relationship, allowing you to get the treatment needed without anxiety.  An additional benefit is that you will have a maintenance program, that can help to avoid further invasive treatment.

We offer Holistic treatments including offer a vast array of homeopathic and complementary remedies to keep you calm and ensure your dental treatment is enjoyable.

Even unpleasant procedures can be carried out in a sympathetic way to reduce unpleasant sensations.  We can even reduce drilling and other noises if this helps a patient stay calm.

We believe that our holistic philosophy will enable even the most nervous patient to feel relaxed and at ease while they are having dental treatment.  We have even helped people lose their fear of dentists completely.

By listening to your personal dental concerns, our expert team will explain the variety of techniques we offer to help you relax and overcome your fears.

By focusing on providing solutions that may include homeopathic remedies, breathing techniques, carefully chosen music to make our patients feel relaxed, secure and comfortable.

Do you feel nervous or anxious about visiting the dentist? To find out how we help nervous patients contact Ravenscourt Dental Practice now on 020 8748 4023 or email: [email protected].