Treatments for Gum problems
Gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss in adults.
Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is caused by plaque building up on the surface of the teeth.
This accumulation of plaque can lead to the gums becoming red, swollen and inflamed, leading to serious dental concerns and ultimately tooth loss.
How do I know if I have an abscess?
One of the most common consequences of poor oral health is an abscess, an infection that develops in the gums.
The first signs of an abscess are usually bleeding, tender gums, bad breath and an unpleasant taste in your mouth.
Unfortunately, many people ignore these symptoms until the condition gets much worse and begins to cause significant pain.
If left untreated an abscess can cause the loss of bone and the loosening, and ultimately loss of the infected tooth.
What treatment is available for an abscess?
If you believe you may have developed an abscess it is important to make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.
Once your dentist has conducted an examination and diagnosed the abscess, the treatment can begin. This will involve cleaning the area and in some cases putting you on a course of antibiotics to relieve the infection and allow the body to heal.
Once the infection has been treated your dentist will be able to examine the cause and provide treatment and oral hygiene plan to reduce the chance of you suffering another abscess.
Necrotising gingivitis
Necrotising gingivitis is another serious gum infection, which leaves an extremely foul taste in the mouth.
The infection, which was common during the First World War, causes ulcers around the lower front teeth or the wisdom teeth and can leave you feeling run down.
However, a thorough dental cleaning and a dose of medication can easily treat gingivitis. Once the infection has been overcome your dentist will outline an oral health treatment plan for you to keep the disease at bay.
If the gum problem is advanced, seeing a specialist periodontist would be the next step.
Would you like more advice and help with your oral hygiene regime? If so, contact Ravenscourt Dental Practice now on 020 8748 4023 or email: [email protected]